Back in 2022, Creditas, a Brazilian fintech based on credit products and financial solutions wanted to develop its new semestral full funnel digital branding campaign. The creative and strategic team at Creditas came up with the concept "Quality credit starts with a C", and the scenes depicted in the campaign should represent a variety of situations where the good use of credit was able to improve customers lives. The screenplay alligned those everyday life situations experienced by the actors/actresses with words starting with 'C' that should make a connection the name of our brand (which, also starts with the same letter).
During the production of this campaign I've worked closely with the scene directors/filmakers, a duo called Tango Directors, assisting them with supervision for campaign photoshoots with the actors, pre-shooting status meetings, post-production design and making sure everything was working according to our brand's visual assets.
Back in 2022, Creditas, a Brazilian fintech based on credit products and financial solutions wanted to develop its new semestral full funnel digital branding campaign. The creative and strategic team at Creditas came up with the concept "Quality credit starts with a C", and the scenes depicted in the campaign should represent a variety of situations where the good use of credit was able to improve customers lives. The screenplay alligned those everyday life situations experienced by the actors/actresses with words starting with 'C' that should make a connection the name of our brand (which, also starts with the same letter).
During the production of this campaign I've worked closely with the scene directors/filmakers, a duo called Tango Directors, assisting them with supervision for campaign photoshoots with the actors, pre-shooting status meetings, post-production design and making sure everything was working according to our brand's visual assets.
Antes de produzirmos a campanha, eu desenvolvi uma série de telas para acompanhar o roteiro como teste de letterings + Key Visual.
Apesar dessa linguagem visual não ter sido aproveitada nas versões finais dos filmes (optamos por um caminho mais limpo e integrado às cenas), ela acabou indo pra rua como o KV base das peças da campanha de paid media para social media e formatos diversos de mídia do Google.
Before actually shooting the campaign, I've developed a series of screens as a preliminary Key Visual test. Even though they didn't end up being used as part of the lettering design for the final videos above (we opted to go with a cleaner version and more integrated with the scenes shot), they found its way as part of the paid media campaign on social media and for Google formats.
Exemplo de peças/criativos da campanha Full Funnel:
Para essa campanha trabalhos com formatos estáticos e em vídeo, nos formatos 1:1, 16:9, 9:16 para campanhas no Facebook e Instagram + peças de Google Display e HTML 5.
For this campaign we worked with static images and video formats, in 1:1, 16:9, 9:16 for
Facebook and Instagram + Google Display formats and HTML 5.
Facebook and Instagram + Google Display formats and HTML 5.