In 2015, National Geographic premiered a show called Breakthrough. The plot consisted of interviews hosted by renowned movie directors along with scientists, researchers and engineers from all over the world. Throughout the episodes, these professionals detailed major tech developments already in course to solve humanities biggest issues of the future, such as a potential water crisis, shortage of energy supply and fossil fuels, among others.
General Electric was a sponsor of this TV documentary at the time, and wanted to create a series of branded content for their social media channels emulating the content of the original TV show in order to promote its Brazilian market premiere.
For that reason, New Vegas, Vayner Media and GE partnered to produce #BemVindoAoFuturo (#WelcomeToTheFuture), a Youtube mini-doc with 3 episodes hosted by Iberê Thenório - creator of Manual do Mundo, a incredibly popular Youtube channel in Brazil devoted to demonstrating fun scientific experiments for a younger audience.
On our version of the show, Iberê was invited to GE's Research Center located Rio de Janeiro's Federal University (UFRJ) campus and conducted interviews with 3 GE's experts. There they discussed topics such as Smart Electric Grids, Big Data and storage of medical images on the cloud.
General Electric was a sponsor of this TV documentary at the time, and wanted to create a series of branded content for their social media channels emulating the content of the original TV show in order to promote its Brazilian market premiere.
For that reason, New Vegas, Vayner Media and GE partnered to produce #BemVindoAoFuturo (#WelcomeToTheFuture), a Youtube mini-doc with 3 episodes hosted by Iberê Thenório - creator of Manual do Mundo, a incredibly popular Youtube channel in Brazil devoted to demonstrating fun scientific experiments for a younger audience.
On our version of the show, Iberê was invited to GE's Research Center located Rio de Janeiro's Federal University (UFRJ) campus and conducted interviews with 3 GE's experts. There they discussed topics such as Smart Electric Grids, Big Data and storage of medical images on the cloud.